Auction Fundraiser
We are very excited to be holding a fundraising silent auction at Hearts the same night as the Science Fair, Thursday, November 14th. We had awesome auction baskets, decor items, and miscellaneous donations last year but unfortunately we had a disappointing crowd at the auction itself. Everyone is so busy that we believe combining the two events is a perfect solution. The event proceeds are very important to our scholarship fund and to begin planning for a new facility to meet the needs of our growing community.
We would greatly appreciate any donation you can make or solicit from local businesses. Donations for the silent auction by a business will be recognized on auction displays at the event, as well as in the school newsletter and yearbook. We will also provide a donation receipt letter with the Hearts Academy tax exempt number for tax records.
If you need more information or if you wish to offer your expertise orvolunteer help with this event, please contact Kealei Castle at 770-439-9235 or at I am attaching a letter that you may wish to use while obtaining donations. If you would like an administrator from the school contact a business for you, please also contact