About the Course
Course Description:
Earth Science is an expanding study that moves from the Earth's
lithosphere to the rest of the universe. Students will build their critical
thinking skills as they study the major theories in earth science and
follow those theories through to their conclusions. Throughout the
course, they will be guided by biblical and scientific principles,
ultimately coming to a better understanding of their Creator and a
greater appreciation of His creation. Each student will do a Science Fair
project as well this year.
Course objectives:
Students will see God’s glory in creation. Consists of a study of the
heavens and the earth’s motions, including topics such as
instruments of astronomy, telescopes, the solar system, stars,
galaxies, nebulae, and other objects of the universe. Examines the
oceans and the ground water system. Focuses also on meteorology,
geology, creation versus evolution, earthquakes, and volcanoes.
Involves a small rock collection and a rocketry project.
You should be in the 8th grade to take this class.
Homework Expectations:
Syllabus online for daily details. Homework grades are based only on
completion and details, not accuracy. Please make sure your child
understands each assignment when working with them at home.
Materials Needed:
Author – Bob Jones
Edition – 5th
Grade Level – 8
Publisher – Bob Jones Press
Other Materials:
3 prong Folder with 6 sheet protectors
Composition book just for this class
Pencil, Colored pencils, and sharpener
Red pen
Dry erase markers
latex free gloves
Poster board
Science Fair Project display Board
Grading Scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
0 - 69 F
Your Instructor
Tina Levette