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About the Course


Course Description:

Life Science surveys the structures and functions of living things such as

plants, animals, and human beings. All these concepts are unfolded as a

quest to understand the life that God has created. Case studies,

WebQuests, lab activities, ethics boxes, and questions help students think

like scientists and see life science from a biblical perspective.

Each student will do a bug and a Science Fair project this year.

Course objectives:

Students will have a basic survey of biology, including the cell, genetics,

creation versus evolution, the kingdoms of organisms, and human

anatomy and physiology. Involves some limited lab opportunities,

including dissection and the use of microscopes.


You should be in the 7 th grade to take this class.

Homework Expectations:

Syllabus online for daily details. Homework grades are based only on

completion and details, not accuracy. Please make sure your child

understands each assignment when working with them at home.

Materials Needed:

Author – Bob Jones

Edition – 5 th

Grade Level – 7

Publisher – Bob Jones Press


Other Materials:

3 prong Folder with 6 sheet protectors

Composition book just for this class

Pencil, Colored pencils, and sharpener

Red pen


Dry erase markers

latex free gloves

Poster board

Science Fair Project display Board

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

0 -69 F

Your Instructor

Tina Levette

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