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About the Course


Course Description:

Increase your appreciation of God's wonderful creation through a study of various

concepts about earth science, life science, physical science, and the human body in

science 6. Learn about new and current technology being developed that utilizes and

benefits from science. Explore earthquakes and volcanoes, weathering and erosion,

natural resources, and astronomy while learning about the earth and space. Life

science topics include cells and classification systems as well as reproduction and

genetics. While studying physical science, investigate atoms and molecules,

electricity and magnetism, and motion and machines. Discover the wonders of the

human body as you study the nervous and immune systems. Your student will enrich

his critical thinking skills through the hands-on activities and the use of diagrams,

charts, and visuals Each student will do a Science Fair project as well this year.

Course objectives:

The students will explore and experience a variety of areas within the field of science

including life, physical, and earth sciences using reading, research, observation,

discussion, participation in individual and group projects, and utilization of the

scientific research process and experiments.


You should be in the 6th grade to take this class.

Homework Expectations:

Syllabus online for daily details. Homework grades are based only on completion

and details, not accuracy. Please make sure your child understands each assignment

when working with them at home.

Materials Needed:

Author – Bob Jones

Edition – 4th

Grade Level – 6

Publisher – Bob Jones


Other Materials:

3 prong Folder with 6 sheet protectors

Composition book just for this class

Pencil, Colored pencils, and sharpener

Red pen


Dry erase markers

latex free gloves

Poster board

Science Fair Project display Board

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B


0 - 69 F

Your Instructor

Tina Levette

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