About the Course
Course Description:
Science 4 allows students to explore creation through an
understandable and engaging presentation of text, diagrams,
photographs, and illustrations. This elementary science educational
materials contains instructions for interactive experiments, projects,
and activities. It promotes higher-level thinking skills through brief
writing exercises. The textbook discusses a spectrum of scientific
fields including ecosystems, plants, insects, the eye, the digestive
system, and principles of motion and energy.
Each student will do a bug and a Science Fair project as well this year.
Course objectives:
Students will explore and experience a variety of subject matter in
the field of science including life, physical, and earth sciences. They
will read, research, discuss, participate in group and individual
projects, and use the scientific research process.
You should be in the 4th grade to take this class.
Homework Expectations:
Syllabus online for daily details. Homework grades are based only on
completion and details, not accuracy. Please make sure your child
understands each assignment when working with them at home.
Materials Needed:
Author – Bob Jones
Edition – 4th
Grade Level – 4
Publisher – Bob Jones press
Other Materials:
3 prong Folder with 6 sheet protectors
Composition book just for this class
Colored pencils
Pencils and pencil sharpener
Red pens
Dry erase markers
latex free gloves
Poster board
Science Fair Project display Board
Grading Scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
0 - 69 F
Your Instructor
Tina Levette