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About the Course


Course description: 

The Human Body Fearfully and Wonderfully Made (6th ed.) In our study of the anatomy course showcases the intricacy and design of the human body, from DNA and cell creation to the study of tissue as well as the integumentary, skeletal, muscle, nervous, endocrine, circulatory, lymphatic, digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive systems. We will focus on the different body systems and organs and learn how the body normally works.

Course objectives:

It encourages the use of physical labs as well as a detailed anatomy coloring book for the benefit of gaining deeper knowledge of material, along with an anatomy binder that will organize 2semesters of class material.

Pre Requirements:

Your child will need an understanding of Biology.

Materials Needed:

Textbook - The Human Body Fearfully and Wonderfully Made

Author - Dr. Jay L. Wile and Marilyn M. Shannon

Copyright Year - 2011

Edition - 6th ed.

Grade Level - 11-12

Publisher - Apologia

Book: The Anatomy Coloring Book

Author - Wynn Kapit / Lawerence M. Eldon

Copyright Year - 2002

Edition - 3rd ed.

ISBN - 0-8053-5086-1

Publisher - Pearsons Education

Other Materials:

4 inch 3 ring binder



Artist colored pencils


Tests will be all module tests from Apologia.

Midterm and Final will be teacher created tests taken from questions in the Apologia Modules.

Grade Breakdowns:

Assignments 10%

Labs and Quizzes 20%

Coloring Pages 20%

Notebook 25%

Tests and Projects 25%

Your Instructor

Fonda Brown

Fonda Brown

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