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About the Course


Course Description:

The United States History (5th ed.) Student Text takes the student

on a quest of chronological study of the major events in U.S.

history, from the culture of the Native Americans to the early days

of the Trump presidency. The course helps students see the past

through the corrective lens of a biblical worldview, giving special

attention to the rise and growth of secularism. It leads students to

propose solutions to social problems, make informed decisions

about local, state, and national issues, and to evaluate people,

events, and movements from a biblical worldview.

Each student will do a History Fair project.

Course objectives:

Course objectives can be broken into two categories: basic

comprehension goals and basic skill goals.

All students should understand certain basic historical information.

By the end of the year, the students should be able to identify the


1. God’s leading in U.S. history and the outline of major periods

within each era.

2. Continuity and change in the six spheres of human

activity—politics, economics, religion, society, ideas and art.

3. Continuity and change in foreign relations, including past wars and

the roots of modern foreign policy.

4. God’s supervision of church history as God’s people have

interacted with secular society.

5. The consequences of pas decisions, good and bad, which testify

that bile principles are true and that God oversees the course of U.S.


6. Major events and dates in each era, including the major causes

and effects of events.

7. Major individuals of U.S. history whose lives serve to inspire or to

warn modern Americans.

8. The stages of development of key issues in U.S. history: limited

government, the political power of the common man, America’s

unique culture, and religious purity.

In addition to understanding basic historical information, students

should develop skills that will help them for the rest of their lives. By

the end of the year, they should be able to:

1. Define and use basic terms from U.S. history that are essential in

understanding and explaining God’s providence.

2. Interpret historical maps that are found in atlases of U.S. history.

3. Evaluate historical narratives and original documents for accuracy

and historical perspectives.

4. Interpret common tools of historians, such as timelines, graphs,

and charts.

5. Discern God’s providence in any era by showing the impact of

physical geography and circumstances on the course of events in U.S.


6. Use the Bible to evaluate the social, economic, and political

systems in any era.

7. Research and write a history paper.

8. Identify the variety of challenges that Christians faced in each era

and draw lessons for today.

9. Explain the causes of historical crisis and give the Bible’s

solutions; find parallels to crises in America today.


You should be in the 9th - 12th grade to take this class.

Homework Expectations:

Syllabus online for daily details. Homework grades are based only on

completion and details, not accuracy. Please make sure your child

understands each assignment when working with them at home.

Materials Needed:

Author – Bob Jones

Edition – 5th

Grade Level – 11

Publisher – Bob Jones Press


Other Materials:

3 prong Folder with 6 sheet protectors

Composition book just for this class

Pencil, Colored pencils and a sharpener

Red pen


Dry erase markers

Poster board

History Fair Project display Board

Grading Scale:

90-100 A

80-89 B

70-79 C

0 - 69 F

Your Instructor

Tina Levette

Tina Levette

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